Blood pressure

Blood pressure is a force of circulating blood on the walls of arteries. Generally, we measure blood pressure in two terms systolic and diastolic. The normal blood pressure range is 120 /80mmHg. High blood pressure is 140/90mmHg or higher and low blood pressure is 90/60mmHg or lower. High blood pressure is known as a silent…

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Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common disease in both men and women. If you lose 50 to 80 hairs per day it’s normal. But when you lose more than a 100 hairs per day it’s not normal. Continuous hair fall destroys your hair beauty like the other parts of the body our hair is also very…

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Dizziness is a term used to describe several types of sensations, including faintness, weakness, or unsteadiness. The severe dizziness that creates the false feeling that the person or what is around them is moving is called vertigo, a condition that can affect everyday life and to which we have dedicated a separate article. Morning sickness…

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Venous insufficiency and blood circulation

Chronic venous insufficiency is a frequently encountered pathology in current medical practice and is due to a combination of factors, among which are venous valvular incompetence, prolonged orthostatism, obesity, age over 50 and genetic predisposition. In certain situations, venous dysfunction can contribute to the formation of intravascular thrombi (blood clots) with the appearance of thrombophlebitis,…

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